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March 3, 2025

North Harbor ASSC

September 29, 2021
North Harbor Area of Special Sign Control Boundary in Downtown Baltimore

Downtown Partnership of Baltimore sponsored the North Harbor ASSC (Area of Special Sign Control) legislation and Planning Commission Boundary approval for the area north of the Inner Harbor, along Pratt Street north to Baltimore Street, from President Street to Howard Street.

Community Advisory Board Members

We are looking for residents, small business owners, nonprofit partners, artists, and community stakeholders to join the North Harbor Area (NoHa) of Special Sign Control Community Advisory Panel. Downtown Partnerships is seeking self-nominations for the community panel, and our Board Partners Committee – made up of Community Partners including Visit Baltimore, Live Baltimore, Midtown Benefits District, Baltimore Development Corporation, Charles Street Development will help select the final panel.

Click here for details & application.
*application is closed



The Planning commission approved the 5 signs on the updated sign plan that went before commission on May 19th. To date the following signs 11 have been approved. Next steps include the formation of the community advisory panel. Signs still requiring individual permitting before they can be erected.

  • 124 Market Place
  • 100 S. Charles St (2 signs)
  • 36 S. Charles St
  • 100 E. Pratt St (2 signs)
  • 30 Light Street
  • 601 E. Pratt St
  • 300 S. Charles St
  • 55 Market Pl
  • 204 E. Lombard St


Click here for NOHA sign plan Updated Sign Plan to go to planning commission on May 19th.

The Planning Commission approved six billboards. Read more about that here: Majority of Proposed Signs in the North Harbor Plan Approved | DPOB (godowntownbaltimore.com)

The ASSC hearing at Planning Commission, originally scheduled for December 16, 2021, was rescheduled for March 3, 2022. Please visit this link to learn more about this virtual hearing.

Downtown Partnership requested a postponement of the ASSC hearing at Planning Commission, originally scheduled for December 16th.  Through a short delay, we aim to achieve the following impactful action efficiently all in one hearing:

  • Restore to the signage plan one sign which was originally vetted by Planning Department
  • Add one additional sign location (as previously requested)
  • Consider the removal of one existing sign location currently included in the signage plan

This is a notice that a public hearing has been scheduled for the North Harbor ASSC sign plan project for the following addresses —  1 E. Pratt, 10 E Pratt, 100 E. Pratt, 124 Market Place, 30 Light, 300 S. Charles, 36 S. Charles, 55 market Place, 601 E. Pratt. A public hearing will be held on Dec. 16th  virtually via Webex at 1:00pm. Link to hearing is on the agenda at https://pc.baltimorecity.gov/2021-agendas


North Harbor ASSC FAQs

What is an area of special sign control?
It’s a provision allowed under Title 17, which in this case is being used to allow large format signage to be installed within the boundary area, not to exceed the maximum allowed signage area as designated by the Planning Department.

What is the timeline to create and activate the district?
The District boundaries have been reviewed by the Planning Department on and were approved by City Council on October 18th.

What is the Baltimore North Harbor Area of Special Sign Control?
The NoHa ASSC is an outdoor media powered project for an area of downtown that will create light, vitality and activity and provide a massive platform for Baltimore’s local art community, small businesses, and community focused organizations.

How is this signage different from typical billboards?
DPOB is requiring all media companies participating in the District to live up to a far higher standard of
community benefits and responsiveness than any other signs in the City.

  • Media companies will grant DPOB 15-20% of all LED time for local art and civic promotion.
  • Media companies will adhere to stringent repair and light mitigation standards.
  • District signs must be aesthetically superior in the judgment of DPOB and its committee of
    stakeholders and arts groups.
  • Media companies will supply an architectural analysis showing how the signs fit in architecturally
    with the building and surrounding area.
  • Media companies will support Baltimore’s efforts to attract national and international events
    downtown by agreeing to work with the City on attracting such events through special sign

Update on Light Pollution Concerns

Downtown Partnership is looking into creative ways to offset light pollution and looking into becoming carbon neutral though carbon tax credits. The ASSC offers real opportunity for light and vibrancy at the street level, not for rooftop viewing. We are exploring opportunities to be very intentional and thoughtful in this area. All Baltimore signs will have dimming sensors that adjust to the time of day to soften brightness at appropriate times. Additionally, all signs will be manually dimmable by the operator. Each operator will provide a lighting study as part of the approval process to demonstrate the digital signs do not significantly increase ambient light levels. Sign operators will be required respond to resident complaints regarding brightness within 48 hours. Each sign will operate using the most efficient clean energy tier available in market.

How will the district be funded?

The District will be privately funded. No public money or taxes will be required for the District. Additionally, a revenue share from District commercial signage will be reinvested by DPOB into the District for the betterment of the local community.

Will billboards face residential properties?
No. Digital billboards will not be allowed to face directly at residential properties.

What are the economic impacts of the district?

The District will provide an expansive digital platform for local artists to promote their work to locals and tourists. The District will benefit downtown landlords through a lease based revenue stream, potentially increasing property values and the City’s downtown tax base

What is the timeline to create and activate the district?

The District boundaries were approved by City council and sign by the Mayor on October 18th. The District could launch within six months from approval, but only after the Sign Plan is approved by the Planning Commission. After approval from the Planning Commission, only properties included in the approved sign plan can seek permits. each property owner would have to seek individual permits for each sign prior to construction.

Who will manage the District?

The district will be managed and subsidized by DPOB (DPOB’s revenue share will not cover program costs). District artwork and sign structures will be reviewed by a committee of downtown stakeholders and community groups. Further, a local advisory board composed of residents, downtown stakeholders and arts groups will review and make recommendations related to all District sign structures and artwork to ensure that the signage and art meets appropriate public interests and standards.

Can residents give input on the District?

Residents will serve on the advisory board and DPOB has set up a contact process whereby residents can offer input and concerns directly to DPOB. Residents can also reach out to DPOB or Planning directly with questions or concerns about the sign plan, content, etc.

Why the Name ‘North Harbor’?

The name is a geographic marker. The boundaries are North of the Harbor. This is not a neighborhood name.

What arts groups will the District support?

The District is being set up to directly support Baltimore’s Arts & Entertainment Districts through Downtown Partnership’s services agreements with media companies. Under this plan, there will be significant financial support for each A&E District and support for artists to have work featured on the signs.

Will Baltimore City make any revenue?

Baltimore city will make money off the already-existing Billboard Tax. Additionally, city-owned properties stand to make revenue as a landlord for digital billboards on properties in the future if they choose to go down that path.

Are these signs safe for cars and pedestrians?

The Department of Transportation is required to provide findings of fact on this concern to the Planning Department and Planning Commission. It’s not the intent of property owners or Downtown Partnership to create a program that would cause safety issues for drivers or pedestrians. Studies show the larger danger to both is cell phone use.

What about historically significant or architecturally significant buildings?
Digital billboards are not allowed on buildings historically protected by CHAP or previously approved Urban Renewal Plans. Of the 13 signs on the draft sign plan, most are on garages, large empty empty walls, or future build outs.

What was the community engagement process like?
DPOB engaged over 40 community leaders, residents, City Council Members, and property owners to inform this process.

What might these signs look like?
Some examples…

30 Light Street SW Corner 

100 E Pratt NW Corner 


Who can I contact for more information?
For media inquiries or general information contact Lauren Hamilton, Lhamilton@dpob.org
For the Department of Planning related questions or feedback, contact Caitlin Audette, caitlin.Audette@baltimorecity.gov.

 Community Engagement Schedule

  • October 28, 5:30 to 7:00 PM – Apartments at Charles Plaza (Charles Towers, Park Charles, 39 W. Lex)
  • October 29 – City Center Residents Association (3rd meeting)
  • November 1, 6:00 to 7:30 PM – The Atrium apartments
  • November 2 – 414 Water Street Condos
  • November 3, 5:30 to 7:30 PM – 414 Light Street
  • November 10, 12:00 – 1:00 PM – VIRTUAL COMMUNITY INPUT MEETING
  • November 11, 5:30 to 7:30 – Downtown Dialogue at Center for Architecture & Design