The State of Downtown Baltimore Report is an economic snapshot of the previous year with benchmark data in the areas of office and employment, residential, hospitality, and retail trends.
Continue ReadingDPOB is seeking the renewal of the Downtown Management District and Downtown Management Authority (“DMA”) for an additional five years, until 2027.
Continue ReadingAs the war in Ukraine unfolds, many Baltimoreans are left searching for ways to support. Karina Mandell and Alex Chizhik share their recommendations.
Continue ReadingNotice anything different on Downtown streets of late? We have recently unveiled brand new uniforms for the Downtown Partnership operations fleet. Now, our Downtown Baltimore Guides (DBGs), Clean Streets Ambassadors […]
Continue ReadingPlanning Commission approves majority of proposed signs in the North Harbor Sign Plan, 6 digital billboards coming to Downtown Baltimore.
Continue ReadingThe Maryland Department of General Services (DGS) recently announced the selection of the Hagerstown-based Architectural firm, BFM Architects (Bushey Feight Morin Architects, Inc.) to design the new DGS headquarters in Baltimore.
Continue ReadingTo round out 2021, we’ve compiled a list of positive news stories that broke this past year — 21 Wins for Downtown Baltimore in 2021.
Continue ReadingTraffic Modifications for the 50th Annual Monument Lighting in Mount Vernon Downtown Partnership is very excited to welcome Baltimore residents and visitors alike to the 50th Annual Monument Lighting Celebration, […]
Continue ReadingBallard Spahr LLP, has announced it signed a long term lease with Brookfield Properties.
Continue ReadingDowntown Partnership of Baltimore is sponsoring the North Harbor ASSC (Area of Special Sign Control) legislation and Planning Commission Boundary approval for the area north of the Inner Harbor, along Pratt Street North to Baltimore Street, from President Street to Howard Street.
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