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October 18, 2024

RedwoodArch Ceremony Planned for November 30

November 29, 2022
Nurses in front of Redwood Arch

Downtown Partnership of Baltimore (DPOB) and The Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts (BOPA) will hold a RedwoodArch Restoration Ceremony on Wednesday, November 30, from 9–10 AM at 419 Redwood Street in Baltimore. This restoration project was made possible through the generous support of the BOPA, DPOB, and the Maryland State Arts Council.


Redwood Arch

Our Vice President of Capital Projects, Lito Tongson, led the charge in getting support from BOPA’s Baltimore Art Commission to breathe new life into this arch on Redwood Street.


RedwoodArch is a historic piece of public art created by Linda DePalma that has served as the gateway to Baltimore’s Loft District for 30 years. We are grateful for the support of BOPA’s funders, and the Baltimore City Public Art Commission to ensure the preservation of this valued treasure for the benefit of all Baltimoreans. For more information about Wednesday’s event, please contact Barbara Hauck at The Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts.


Downtown Partnership’s Capital Projects team works hard to maintain and revitalize public spaces, facades, and more to keep Downtown Baltimore beautiful. Learn more about DPOB’s Capital Projects team.

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