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October 18, 2024

DPOB Joins Forces With 
Harbor Park Garage on Free Meal Service

April 24, 2020
Volunteers packing free meals into bags to donate to people in need.

BALTIMORE – Downtown Partnership of Baltimore has teamed up with Harbor Park Garage to support Heart of the Park, a program that provides free meals to anyone in need.

The service began in late March when the garage teamed up with Chef Nancy Longo of the local restaurant, Pierpoint, to create the service. Heart of the Park now hands out as many as 250 meals a day. With that growth, comes a need to secure more regular funding Downtown Partnership has stepped in to create online donation tools, and provide promotional assistance to help the public find and utilize this life-saving program. Without additional resources, there is no guarantee this important initiative can keep providing free meals.

Donations can be made directly on Downtown Partnership’s website.  (Donations for this program are no longer being accepted. Thanks to you, DPOB helped raise over $40,000, and provided over 15,000 free meals to those in need).

To pick up free meals:

Meals are handed out between noon and 2 pm.
  2. Drive to 55 Market Place, Baltimore, MD 21202.
  3. Pull a ticket to enter the garage (you won’t be charged).
  4. Go to Level 3. Attendants will be waiting.
  5. Roll down the passenger window, so you can communicate at a safe distance.
  6. Tell them how many people you need to feed.
  7. Drivers will be given two meals, one ready to eat & one ready to heat, in their trunk or back seat.
  8. Exit the parking facility free of charge.